Jr. KG Circulars – S.P.M English School
Dear Parents,
Please note – The details for the month of June 2024.
- An orientation programme is arranged to make the parents familiar with the school activities.
- Day and Date: Tuesday,11thJune 2024
- Venue: School Hall 6th floor
- Timing: 10:15a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Details about the working of the school will be shared in the orientation programme. Only one parent to attend the orientation session.
- The school will begin from Monday,17thJune 2024.
- From Monday, 17thJune 2024 to Wednesday, 19thJune 2024 children to come in batches allotted to them.
- 1st Batch: 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
- 2nd Batch: 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
- The batch allotted to your child will be informed on the orientation day.
- Parents should drop their child in school according to the batch allotted to him/her. Parents to use Gate No.1 (near watchman’s cabin)
- Parents should adhere to the given time slots.
- Thursday,20thJune 2024 and Friday 21stJune 2024:
- School timing: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00a.m. (for all mini KG classes)
- Friday, 21st June 2024 – Yoga Day. This activity will be conducted during school hours.
- Monday, 24thJune 2024: Regular school
- School Timing: 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
- Friday, 28th June 2024 – Last working day of the month
- School Timing: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- Mini KG. children need not bring tiffin on the first three days that is Monday, 17th.June 2024, Tuesday 18thJune 2024 and Wednesday, 19thJune 2024. Children to bring tiffin from Thursday, 20th.June 2024.
- Children to come in full school uniform right from the 1st day of the school.
- Only during rainy season, children can wear floaters (slippers or chappals not allowed).
- On all Wednesdays, children to come in colourful dress. On the day when the child comes to school in colourful dress he/she must wear school shoes.
- Children can wear colourful dress on their birthdays.
- Parents to send an extra pair of clothes properly labelled (including briefs and bloomers), which will be normal coloured dress (no uniform) on the first day of school. If and when the dress is used, it needs to be replaced with another set on the very next day.
- Sweaters: Maroon colour school sweater can be purchased from the uniform vendor when required.
- The school will provide an I-card to each child. Till then, children to wear a handmade/temporary I-card.
Details to be mentioned on the I-card are: - Name of the Child:
- Standard:
- Division:
- Blood group:
- Working emergency contact number:
- Van/Rickshaw details:
- The school will not have any official WhatsApp group.
- Parents can meet the Headmistress or the teacher only by prior appointment.
- Parking space is not available in the school premises (for two wheelers as well as four wheelers). Parents to park their vehicles in the nearby lanes throughout the year.
- Parents to submit the duly filled resource sheet to the class teacher on the first day of the school.
Change, if any, in the above instructions will be informed through the school website (www.spmenglishschoolpune.org). It is a good idea to check the school website regularly for any communication / changes.

Details of competitions organized by different organizations
Samartha Bharat Abhiyaan Rajyastariya
Manache Shlok Pathantar Spardha
Thursday, 22nd August 2024 -1 st Round
(For Mini KG, Jr.KG and Sr.KG)
- The first round of the competition will be conducted in the school during the school hours.
- This competition is not compulsory.
- The final round will be conducted in the month of December 2024 and State level round will be conducted in the month February 2025. Details regarding the final and state level round will be shared later.
- Fees for the competition Rs.50/- (exact cash) to be paid to the class teacher by the parent from Friday, 2nd August 2024 to Friday, 9th August 2024 after the school gets over. Money should not be sent with the students.
- Audio for the same will be sent by the school.
- Children should recite the shlokas only as per the Audio sent.
- For Mini KG – 1 to 5 Shlokas
For Jr.KG and Sr.KG – 1 to 10 Shlokas
Youva Master Stroke Competition
Thursday, 29 th August 2024
(Only for Jr.KG and Sr.KG)
- All India drawing competition has been organized for Jr.KG and Sr.KG children.
- The competition will be conducted in the school during the school hours.
- This competition is not compulsory.
- Parents of the interested students need to purchase an A4 size Youva drawing book.
- Fill up the entry form on the last page of the book and submit the book along with the form to the class teacher.
- Last date of submission is Wednesday, 31st July.
- Late entries will not be accepted.
- The topics for the competition are as follows –
My Family
Underwater world
If I were a Superhero - Children need to draw a picture on any one of the above mentioned topics,
strictly in the school.
Rangotsav celebration competition
Friday, 6 th September 2024
(Only for Jr.KG and Sr.KG)
1. Colouring competition
2. Finger and Thumb painting competition
- This competition will be conducted during the school hours.
- This competition is not compulsory.
- Paper for the same will be provided by the school.
- Fees for the competition Rs.50/- per competition (exact cash) to be paid to the class teacher by the parent from Friday, 2nd August 2024 to Friday, 9th August 2024 after the school gets over. Money should not be sent with the students.
- Parents to specify the competition name while making the payment.
- Late entries will not be accepted.
Details –
1. Colouring competition – Children can bring material required from home eg. Crayons
2. Finger and Thumb painting – Children to bring material required from home eg.Tempera colours.

Loksadhana Donation Drive
Dear parents,
Please note,
‘Loksadhana’ is an organization that empowers Rural India.It focuses on community development,education to the underprivileged and rural health.
Our children are blessed to be the part of helping children.Parents can send the material mentioned below.[It should be properly packed.]
1. Small bottles of fevicol
2. Crayon boxes
3. Small sketch pens
4. Cello tape [big/small]
5. Drawing pin boxes
6. Compass boxes
7. Small drawing books
Parents to send the material from Friday 2nd August to Tuesday 13th August 2024.